Welcome to Troop 25!

Over the last 90+ years more than 2,000 scouts have taken part in the traditions of Troop 25. As of September 2021, 189 scouts have achieved their Eagle Scout rank through the troop.

Scouts is a youth-led program and is designed to provide opportunities for leadership, growth and learning for the youth by the youth.

Explore the calendar for a current list of activities planned that are in addition to weekly meetings. These activities are designed to provide ample opportunity to gain the skills necessary to earn ranks while having a lot of fun!

We welcome you to join us at a Tuesday evening meeting to experience the troop for yourself.

Troop Experiences

Bob Robert’s Patch

In remembrance of Bob Roberts a valued member of our troop. Bob devoted significant time and effort into ensuring the scouts had everything they needed from equipment to adult leadership. This patch acknowledges notable accomplishments in a scout’s Troop 25 journey through scouting.


Troop 25 practices skills in the field by camping regularly at themed camps such as Caveman, Survival and Advancements Camps. These weekend camps offer the scouts the opportunity to practice and attain their requirements for camping, cooking and many other outdoor skills. By working with the patrol method and having scouts support each other they are able to test their leadership skills in action.

Summer Camp

Spending a week at Camp Seven Ranges in late June offers the unique experience of operating as a troop, learning new merit badge skills and meeting scouts from other councils.


Each year the troop embarks on a trip to explore some of our nation’s treasures and historical moments. Experiences have included Gettysburg, Washington DC, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, and Mammoth Cave National Park.

How Troop 25 operates

Troops are led by a Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader who are elected from the Scouts by the Scouts. 

The Troop is broken down into groups or patrols of 5-8 Scouts led by Patrol Leaders.

The Patrol Leaders plan and guide the programming throughout the year.

The Scoutmaster oversees the Patrol Leaders to guide and support the youth as they proceed through their programs, ranks and advancements.

The Troop Committee is made up of adults who oversee the operations of the Troop and helps with administrative tasks.

Scouts progress through ranks as they are motivated. There are incentives to achieve those ranks along the way to help them strive to reach new goals.

There are additional opportunities to participate in other regional and national scouting programs such as National Youth Leadership Training and Order of the Arrow.